cbd crystal under microscope

CBD Isolate vs Full Spectrum CBD

As the CBD market continues to grow and expand, different versions of CBD and other Cannabis-related products are arising. Consumers are wondering the differences between certain products, two in particular have gotten about of interest; many are asking, what the difference between CBD Isolate and full-spectrum CBD is, and how to choose the best product for their specific needs. Well, we’ll give you all the info we’ve gathered from our research, to help you make an informed decision in order ti know the particular benefits of both forms of Cannabidiol.

What is CBD?

CBD is a chemical compound found within the Cannabis Sativa plant. For medicinal purposes, it is typically extracted from a specific member of the Cannabis family, the immensely useful hemp plant. The hemp plant is distinguished from the marijuana plant because it contains less than 0.3% THC. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is the chemical compound that possesses addictive substances and other psychoactive properties. This specific cannabinoid is responsible for the feeling of intoxication after consumption. However, if used together, CBD has the ability to offset the effects of THC. 

CBD offers a wide array of health benefits such as pain relief, mood regulation, inflammation reduction, relief from seizures and insomnia, and much more. It also comes in a variety of forms such as capsules, oil, creams, paste, terpenes, gummies, etc. Dosages vary from person to person and depend on a number of factors such as weight, age, underlying health conditions, and a few other factors. 

CBD Isolate

CBD Isolate means that only CBD was extracted and other Cannabinoids were removed, thus leaving a pure CBD product (99%). It is difficult to make a CBD isolate because when the extraction process takes place to remove Cannabinoids from the hemp plant, all of the compounds and plant matter are extracted along with the CBD. This includes terpenes, flavonoids, and other cannabinoids as well. In order to remove only the CBD, other steps must be taken to truly ensure a pure CBD product. Though CBD isolates come in many forms, the most common form that is seen is dabs. A dab in the process of vaporizing compounds onto a hot nail and then inhaling the vapor that arises. These dabs come in the form of crystals, powder, resin, wax, or shatter. 

CBD isolates are also flavorless and odorless which is a great option for those who want to use it while cooking and who dislike the distinct taste if CBD oil. It is also very potent and also good for those who are THC sensitive and don’t desire any psychoactive effects when using CBD. Another consideration is your states laws, as Full Spectrum CBD may flag a drug test. Overall, it is the most pure form of CBD available.

Full Spectrum CBD 

Full Spectrum CBD is pretty much self-explanatory; it contains the full range of Cannabinoids when extracted from the hemp plant. At this point, the entire substance is used to create a usable product. Most of the concern with full-spectrum CBD is the THC content. As mentioned earlier, if you don’t like in a state where Cannabis is legal, full-spectrum CBD may pose a few problems. As a result of federal laws all hemp plants must contain less than 0.3% THC regardless, so the amount of THC should only be trace amounts and shouldn’t result in feelings of intoxication. 

Full Spectrum CBD is thought to be best for those who want to feel the full effects of CBD. This is due to the fact that the “entourage effect”, which refers to the way in which cannabinoids work together to become more effective. It results in a more elevated sense of relief compared to those who use the CBD isolates for relief. Typically, consumers have preferred to use a full-spectrum CBD for specific ailments. Additionally, full-spectrum is typically considered closer to the original form of the plant and is thus the most natural version. Essentially, there’s not as much processing with full-spectrum CBD.

Remember that one form of CBD isn’t necessarily better than the other; it all comes down to p reference and what works best for you. Always do your research before deciding to incorporate CBD in any form, into your regimen.