pure crystal

Pharmaceutical Grade CBD Isolate

With so many different CBD products on the market it’s hard to believe that there can still be a product in need of an introduction; despite this sentiment, pharmaceutical-grade CBD isolates may have been lost in the shuffle with so many CBD options in circulation. Outfitted with its very own set of benefits that distinguishes it from its counterparts, CBD isolate offers a unique alternative for those eager to use CBD products. Here we will explain what pharmaceutical-grade CBD isolate is and we will explain the proper way to use this unique product. 

What is CBD?

Before pharmaceutical-grade CBD isolate is explained, allow us to refresh your memory concerning what CBD is to begin with. CBD or Cannabidiol is a chemical compound found within the hemp plant; highly coveted for its remarkable health-promoting properties, CBD is farmed and cultivated for the expressed purpose of extracting cannabidiol from the hemp plant. Strenuous steps are taken to separate the CBD from the hundreds of other chemical compounds present within the hemp plant. Moreover, when it comes to tetrahydrocannabinol or THC—the chemical compound responsible for causing people to feel intoxicated—painstaking measures are taken to ensure that there is virtually no THC in the final product of your CBD. In this way all of the health-promoting benefits of CBD can be enjoyed without the psychedelic drawbacks associated with THC. 

Beneficial properties of CBD

CBD is capable of treating serious maladies which plague people daily; those maladies include but are not limited to the following: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, depression, anxiety, cancer, chemotherapy side effects, insomnia, chronic pain and much more. CBD is an all natural anti-inflammatory which accounts for the main reason that CBD is able to treat a variety of symptoms stemming from many different ailments. 

What is CBD isolate

Pharmaceutical grade CBD isolate to put it simply is CBD in its purest form. There is a process in which CBD is extracted from the hemp plant but instead of stopping here as is the case with regular CBD, the CBD is completely separated from the hundreds of other chemical compounds, leaving 99 percent of CBD in its wake. 

How to use Pharmaceutical grade CBD isolate

Pharmaceutical-grade CBD isolate can appear in two different forms depending on the process in which it undergoes. It can appear in a white crystal form or in a powder form about the consistency of confectionery sugar. This form of CBD is versatile and can be taken sublingually or even be placed into your food directly. Users should be aware that this version is also more potent than other diluted versions of CBD. And when it comes to dosages, CBD isolate is much more reliable because you are dealing with pure CBD. Therefore, there is nothing else to consider as is the case with regular CBD because of all the other ingredients to consider. Finally, there is absolutely zero THC in CBD isolate, perfect for those who don’t want to deal with THC in the least. Be sure to continue your research to discover everything that CBD has to offer you.